DIY Projects

Repurpose Gift Bags and Diaper Boxes into Cute Organizers

So after our baby shower, I had accumulated a large amount of really cute gift bags. Most were fairly large, and all were baby shower themed. While I usually reuse my giftbags, I knew there was no way to reuse this many by regifting them. Of course, I also had many diaper boxes as well, that were sturdy, and would be great to use as organizers for my changing table that a friend had given us for free. So, this is the project I did to cover the boxes. It's about as simple as it gets, so I mostly used pictures to show and explain how I did it.

1. Cut flaps from the top of the box and discard

2. Choose bags that fit the boxes best, so you have minimal cutting to do
3. Fold bag around the box to fit properly
4. Tape down the flaps inside to secure and fit the paper 
5. Make sure there aren't any lumps and the paper is fitted and smooth
6. I found almost anything fits in the colorful boxes :)
7. Although I used mine for my cloth diapers and accessories for diapers
8. You can see how several fit nicely under my changing table, along with some other baskets
9. Easy peasy!


  1. They turned out super Cute!!! I remember you telling me about this project. :)

    1. Thanks! I was so happy that they fit so nicely into the changing table, too. Have you solved your problem with recovering your "girly" bins in a more "boy friendly" fabric yet? I'd love for you to tell us your solution, if so!
