Tuesday, August 27, 2013

DIY Halloween Hoot Owl Costume

Okay, right off the bat, I have to say I am totally into Halloween. I was also raised in a household that would be appalled by people who bought costumes instead of making them, so that's what I always have done, and can't imagine ever doing differently. It's the whole fun of the holiday (besides the candy!) Now, keep in mind that I'm pretty much a "no sew" kind of mama, so hot glue and sew glue are my besties on projects like this.

Last year, Miss E had her first "real" Halloween, and I made her an owl costume from simple pieces, listed below. By all means, adapt it to fit your needs, and whatever you might have. I should mention that the feathers took a little while, so it's probably not a 1 hour costume, but doable in a day or two, depending on how many naps you are still getting from your baby or toddler! It's also a pretty comfy costume for a little one to wear.

1. an almost grown out of thrift store hoodie
2. Scraps of multicolored (or only one color is fine) felt
3. a tutu from tulle made for her 1st birthday (totally just for a more "feathery" look, not a necessity)
4. colored leggings
5. lots of hot glue or tacky glue
6. a really cute toddler!

cute toddler? check!
Materials I used.

I did the eyes and beak mostly freehand, I think I may 
have used buttons and salt and pepper shaker to trace the eyes

The feathers were also totally freehand, I just don't have that much time to make it precise-besides, I think that's how feathers really look anyway. Just do the feathers in long strips and then glue from the bottom up to layer the feathers upwards on the coat so things will lay correctly. 

Don't make the mistake of 1: cutting a bunch of individual feathers, it will take ages, and 2: starting a the top, always go bottom up.
Now that I just got done saying no individual feathers, I should mention around the zipper pull, I had to do some individual ones.
The "face" I just patterned from the hood and pinned, then glued.
You can see I chose not to do the backside, b/c of time, but also, felt can be a bit stiff when glued, and I wanted her to be able to put her hood up and down pretty easily. Did I mention that laziness factored heavily in this project? I wanted to look with minimal work! (I think it worked.)

You can see the back starting to take shape here. 

 The finished product on a hanger to retain shape overnight.
The feather detailing.


The finished Trick or Treaters! (Did I mention I was a mermaid??)

But that's a story for another time....